Power-Tech Engineers primary service market has traditionally being the electrical utilities aswell as independent power producers. PTE has assisted electrical utilities in the repowering ofaging  generation  as  well  as  the  development  of  renewable  generation,  including  all  the automation and modernization in its electrical infrastructure. A great deal of opportunities has also included the automation and modernization of aging substations, from distribution up to500kV transmission voltages.

Generating Plants

  • Coal
  • Hydroo Gas
  • Windo Solar
  • Biomasso Geothermal


  • Transmission Lines up to 500kV AC/DC
  • Distribution Lines from 4.16kV (UG/OH)

Substations/Gas Insulated Substations (4.16kV to 500kV AC/DC)

  • Smart Gridso Substation Automation/SCADA
  • Energy Storageo HVDC/SVCs
  • Geographical Information System (GIS)